During the freaking long 4 hours break, bumped into edison n d rest for lunch..
In a large group, we decided to have lunch in Asia Cafe
* Pretty lah* haha
After lunch, we saw some promoters with Gossip girl shirts so we hung out in front of Durex tent cuz it seems d most interesting one. n we found out that they gonna have a concert on friday n it was only RM 5 n its for charity n sort of an act against women abuse.
So me n edison bought the ticket n we received free condoms for doing so.
n Edison wanted us to take pictures with it. hahahah...
n we did !
No to unprotected sex. XD
Unfortunately, we heard that concourse gonna be torn down during the holidays. =(
but we love concourse so much ! .=(
so we decided to give it a one last big hug..
Ta da !
( lOOk at d amount of durex me n edison got it for free. *chuckles*)
well. tatz all for now. =)
~ johnSon baby ~
remember to wear condom when u lost ur control..juz a reminder.XD
yeah sure I will.
You too yaa..
...wow...*laughing*... okay that will probably serve as a reminder for my whole life...lol... XD
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